Friday, March 1, 2024



  Parliament has no choice but to get on board of the bandwagon of the monetary reform.  Now they constantly take false credit for the success of the monetary reform...Why are we in a position where [they're saying] 'Yeah, they're going to be giving you a new currency and they're going to float it.'  Why?  Because the auctions are no more for the pleasure of Iran to steal the future from the Iraqi citizens.  Parliament has no choice because it's about to happen...Iraq is in a position to move forward.

This monetary reform, the next step which is vitally important in order for us to see what we're looking for, which is called the managed float, their currency matched at least to 1 to 1 with the dollar will be in an international basket...

All the articles have been talking about it.  It's going to be a managed float.  They'll eventually say stop it right there, we can't go any higher than the other middle eastern currencies.  This managed float is in its first stage.  The float is about to happen. 

  Back in 2005 Dr Shabibi said  'We aspire to bring the IQD back to the glory days of the 80's and 90's' Article:  "The dinar and its three zeros - is it time to symak the dinar and return to the dinar 1980?"  Dr. Shabibi, it's done.


  Article:  "Does deleting the currency’s zeros affect its value? An economist explains"  

THE CBI IS SENDING TRUSTED ECONOMISTS TO EXPLAIN THE MONETARY REFORM EDUCATION OF DELETING THE ZEROS FROM THE EXCHANGE RATE!  IMO they're about to give the citizens a new exchange rate with new lower notes to match...They already told them that process will then take that exchange rate, which will be at least 1 to 1 but I think is going to be higher, to float in the basket internationally

 Article:  "The dinar and its three zeros - is it time to symak the dinar and return to the dinar 1980"   IMO [symak means make]

  What's so big about 1980 

So you want to return the dinar to the 1980's By 1971, '72, '73, the Iraqi dinar on the international market was $3.778. was reduced on purpose to $3.2169 in 1980.

 Iraq is one step ahead of us.  The Iraqi citizens...are already taking their 3-zero notes and taking  them to the bank and opening accounts because they know the monetary reform has educated them...All of a sudden bank accounts just  exploded in Iraqi banks...

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