Sunday, March 17, 2024



"The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), a post-trade market infrastructure for the global financial services industry, has seen its Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC) Treasury clearing volumes grow 31% year over year, processing a daily average volume of $7.02tn."

FICC includes products such as Forex, Commodities, and Government Bonds. And, it is important to note that part of this 31% growth year over year includes foreign currency cash transactions with expectations of more growth in the near term. 

This article appears in Hedge Week for a reason. Hedge Funders anticipate growth and get out ahead of the crowd for investment opportunities. 

Currencies around the world are beginning to trade in local currencies, and the expansion requirement by the SEC of DTCC's services could not have come at a more appropriate time.

© Goldilocks

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