Saturday, March 2, 2024


Q & A

Question from Richard Burton:

You said we will see the RV but not as long as Biden is in the Whitehouse. Does this mean we should now wait until January when he leaves office. We both know he will not be impeached by the Senate.

Answer from Mnt Goat:

My USA site coordinator George passing this question on to me to answer and so I will do my best to help. I do not EVER remember saying that Joe Biden the actor will serving his full term of office. Did I?  I am not assuming anything. Anything can happen. If you have been reading and listening to my FULL Newsletter twice each week you will know why I say this. It is obvious you do not take the time to read the entire Newsletter. I can’t force you! If I could, I would drill a hole in your thick head and pour the information in. Then maybe you might see it…  

So, now I am sorry, but I have to be very firm in my response to you to such a question. I don’t mean to be sarcastic, but I work VERY hard to research and compile my Newsletters. I do this for YOU not me. They are meant to be read and the video watched. How else can you absorb the message?

I present all the information to back up what I say. What I say is based on years of information that I cannot and will not now even try to relay to you in my answer to your questions today in one Newsletter. YOU, meaning YOU, don’t take the time and effort to read and digest my Newsletter – that is NOT my fault! It is so obvious to me.

I have been giving you what the prophets are telling us now for over a year on this subject matter of Biden and I also decided to include a political section and now even more recently a global section of news. I tried my best to connect it all together. I explained in detail the high possibility of the 25th Amendment prophecy coming about. So, what recently was all in the news? It was all about the mental state of Joe Biden sparked off by the Independent Counsel’s report on the Biden classified documents investigation. Right? So, we see this is just the very beginning of the pressure for the enactment of the 25th Amendment. But there will be more as his mental state is declining more each day. He seems to be more worried about what flavor of ice cream to have today and what beach to lay on, than leading the country. 

At that time I showed you how the 25th Amendment works and how the event may play out tying back to the prophetic word. Did you even take the time to read it? Obviously, you didn’t with such a question you ask today. ☹

Also consider the actor Joe Biden may not even be as old as they say as he may be much older as we really don’t know how old he is, as they base his age off the real Joe Biden who I believe (and many others too) he has already passed even before the election. So, the real Joe Biden is not even the president, get it. He died before the election even. Get it? So, who took the oath of office then on Jan 20th 2021? All the average person watching the news has to go by are images of the FAKE Joe Biden as the 46 president so this all they know.  So, I showed you proof of his body characteristics and compared them to the real Joe Biden before he died. Did you pay attention?

So, I am not saying that this RV event is now going to happen, as it will happen and it has to happen. But all this other “stuff” has to be sorted out first or the US Treasury is NOT going to release it. Get it? It’s called corruption and this is what the conservatives under Trump are fighting to end. You may not see what is really holding it up because you don’t take the time to research or at least read and listen to the information that someone presents, namely me to help you. I can’t spoon feed you! You must learn to think for yourself!

So, in this Newsletter today I can’t go into all the details again as it took me already years to present it through my Newsletters. Through the Newsletters I slowly presented the data and information building up to 2024. We are now here in many aspects.

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