Sunday, March 24, 2024


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Judy Note: There was no news on the status of the GCR and redemption process since Bruce’s call on Thurs. night 21 March. At that time we were told that President Trump would make two announcements on  Fri. 22 March and they would be followed by Tier4b receiving notification on how to set redemption appointments.

We have been told that Tier4b (us, the Internet Group who hold foreign currencies and Zim Bonds) redemption and exchanges would start before next Sun. 24 March. The General Public was supposed to start on Tues. 2 April 2024.  Some Super Whales were funded out two months ago. Other Whales were finishing up being notified and funded right now. None have access to their funds yet, and won’t until Tier4b goes.

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