Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Iraqi bank friend Aki Update BY WALKINGSTICK, 13 MARCH


 [Iraqi bank friend Aki Update] 

They had a zoom meeting.  It was with the CBI, all other banks and US Treasury, IMF, everybody, they were all in this zoom meeting.  

They told him a lot but the only important thing...was I was told once again, 'We need you to be back at the bank because at anytime you are going to be very busy.'  Aki is just like you and I, sitting there waiting...

 [Iraqi Bank Friend called #1 Update - He owns 7 banks, 2 in Jordan] 

 About two weeks ago  we told you IOO the banks of Iraq were going to be receiving sample sheets/specimens

 They were very very precise pictures of the lower notes.  It turns out #1 has them. ..They started to practice and use them but they needed more help so they requested. 

 You will see this request on the CBI website probably within this week where they are requesting help with the security features in the small notes that they are practicing counting, sorting and training right now  ..

.The new software will be with them and the banks within this week.  

 [Iraqi Bank Friend called #1 Update - He owns 7 banks, 2 in Jordan] 

 About two weeks ago we told you IOO the banks of Iraq were going to be receiving sample sheets/specimens

 They were very very precise pictures of the lower notes.  It turns out #1 has them. ..They started to practice and use them but they needed more help so they requested. 

 You will see this request on the CBI website probably within this week where they are requesting help with the security features in the small notes that they are practicing counting, sorting and training right now..

.The new software will be with them and the banks within this week.

1 comment:

  1. Banks stories are bullshit..Since 2007 there has been 1000’s of bank stories and well since its 2024 all of them been absolutely bullshit!
