Saturday, March 2, 2024

Iraq concludes its discussions with the International Monetary Fund expert mission in Amman, 2 MARCH

  Iraq concludes its discussions with the International Monetary Fund expert mission in Amman

The Iraqi delegation, headed by Finance Minister Taif Sami, concluded today, Thursday, its discussions with the Article IV mission of International Monetary Fund experts in Amman, while the mission confirmed its continued support for the government’s reform steps.
The Ministry of Finance stated in a statement received by Mawazine News, that “during the discussions, the implementation of the economic reform program and the improvements achieved by the Iraqi government in the field of development infrastructure, financial sustainability, and maximizing non-oil revenues were reviewed.”

The Iraqi delegation confirmed, according to the statement, that “the Fund promised to support development programs to advance public financial management, digital transformation, banking, retirement, and customs sectors, and to enhance private sector participation efforts through investment incentives, infrastructure, and reconstruction,” indicating “its intention to continue discussions and consultations during the Fund’s periodic annual meetings.” ".

The Fund’s mission praised “the achievement of good progress in many financial and monetary aspects and in the areas of transparency, control, provision of financial statements and rationalization of expenditures, in addition to the strong return of growth in the non-oil sector during 2023 with a noticeable decline in inflation rates, and this is reflected in the decline in food and energy prices.” .

The mission noted “the positive developments in the return of trade financing operations to their normal path and the stability of the foreign exchange market following the implementation of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing controls on cross-border payments,” welcoming “government plans aimed at strengthening public financial management, including welcoming “With the steps taken by the government towards establishing a unified treasury account, improving cash flow management and increasing the tax base, as well as reviewing the customs tariff structure and achieving more targeting in social support and care.”

The mission also expressed its optimism about “the level of understanding and progress achieved with the Iraqi government and the coordination steps and joint consultations that will be completed in the near term that will contribute to addressing the financial problems imposed by the circumstances of international conflicts and their accompanying economic impacts,” explaining that “purposeful structural reforms are continuing to stimulate economic diversification.” “Creating job opportunities led by the private sector is a pivotal factor in achieving sustainable and inclusive growth.”

According to the statement, priorities at this level include creating equal opportunities for the private sector by implementing reforms in banking and the electricity sector, reducing distortions in the labor market, and continuing to make efforts to strengthen governance and limit the spread of corruption.

It is noteworthy that Article IV consultations are bilateral meetings held annually between the International Monetary Fund and member states, after which a team of Fund experts meets the member country and conducts formal consultations with its officials. link

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