Saturday, March 2, 2024



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

 FIREFLY:  The television is saying the government is putting mobile teams together to monitor - No prices gouging during Ramadan.  That tells us plainly there will be no rate change during Ramadan IMO. 

FRANK:  It can happen at any time...But... I don't see the reason for this to happen during Ramadan.  It is a holy period.  I see it happening before Ramadan.  

 FIREFLY:  TV showing half a billion dinar recovered from a corrupt banking judiciary officer. 

   FRANK:  It just don't stop!  Good gosh almighty everybody steals out there.

 FRANK:    I sent you to your bank friend.  Your friend is going to be receiving machinery IMO that will help him identify the new lower notes they are going to give you.  They are also going to be sending in people who are experts in the process of exchanging currency.  In your case, three zero notes for lower notes...It's very obvious the next step for the CBI is for these people and this equipment to be used to give you the new exchange rate and lower notes.  It is approaching you with great confidence.  Be strong.  You're almost there.

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