Friday, March 1, 2024



Euro Bank and India UPI Announcement:

"NPCI International Payments Limited (NIPL), a subsidiary of National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), and Eurobank SA, a Greek bank, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) towards enhancing cross-border payments using UPI rails."

The Euro Bank and and India's UPI has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between them on cross border payments utilizing the Unified Payments Interface. 

"The eurobank is a financial institution that accepts deposits and makes loans in foreign currencies." What makes this connection so important lies in the fact of the payment systems between them. 

"As the private bank of the largest financial group in the world, Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft is both at home in Zurich and in Frankfurt am Main, rooted in both countries – Switzerland and Germany – and closely connected with city and country, culture and society at both locations."

Cross border Euro payments to and from Switzerland go through the Swiss Euro Clearing Bank in Frankfurt. This acts as the link between the two systems. These connections are of prime importance in uniting foreign markets to one of the most influx of money that moves through the world each day. 

This gives us more access to foreign markets and foreign currency trades. Each day, we are witnessing various pieces of our global economy unite into what makes up the Global Markets. 

These new connections make up new digital building blocks inside the new QFS. Gaps are being closed rapidly, and the need for stablecoins to purchase tokenized assets from around the world is becoming more and more important.

As Protocol 20 continues to expand uniting Quantum Technologies, look for stablecoins to become more in the forefront going forward.

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