Wednesday, March 13, 2024

DID YOU KNOW!?! Lobstr Wallet Tutorial and Review 2024!

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening and welcome to all. What news from today Mark????

Member: Did you hear from the bond contact that had an appointment this morning ?

MZ: My bond contact who had the meeting this morning is now under an NDA. I have another person with a bond meeting tomorrow. I wonder if they will come away with an NDA?But this is an exceptionally positive sign. 

Member: I would think  the bond person signing  nda means he got paid?

Member: MarkZ, I take the NDA's as a win.

Member: Yahoo for the nda news

Member: So what do they talk about at these bond meetings?

MZ: When to expect payment, process, NDA’s ecct……..

Member: Sky prince says the whales have been paid and keeping quiet.


MZ: When you talk about bonds-does that mean the Zim bonds?

MZ: Absolutely not. I am 100% not talking about Zim. Historic bonds are very different. These are things like Super Petchelli bonds, Dragon bonds, Mexican silver bonds. 

Member: Chinese railroad bonds, German bonds, and many others also 

Member:  A friend confirmed WF confirmed they are getting ready for RV

Member: Rumor is we are we looking at new currency rainbow currency tomorrow in the ATMs

MZ: The calls out of Iraq today have been phenomenal. A couple of sources there are reaffirming that everything is finished on their side. They are waiting for the US Treasury assistance to release. 

MZ: They have told me it could be any moment to a couple weeks- but, they expect it very soon. But they stress that their end is done. 

MZ: This fits with what I have been hearing …and getting those confirmations today felt good. I hope we are very close to the finish line. 

Member: It’s always the US delaying. That sucks

Member: So now the question is how long will the Treasury drag this out

Member: So is the HCL signed in IRAQ  or not?

MZ: I wish I knew. They have been discussing it a lot. But we have yet to see that government stamp and the announcement it is done. Do I think it’s done? I do. 

MZ: Have a bank story sent to me today. Quote: “I went to a Chase bank branch in Maryland about 2 weeks ago where I have an account. I was greeted by an employee who asked “may I help you” I told him I wanted to see a private client banker. He asked what this was regarding? I replied that it was related to currency. So that employee went to an office and had a conversation with another banker . I was shown into a room and the first thing the private client banker said was “Is this about the Iraqi Dinar?” I said yes, He smiled and closed the door and told me this was the 5th meeting he has had this week about the dinar and that what was happening in Iraq about the rate change.? I told him what I knew , and he said it aligned with what he was hearing. He said the dinar rate change is a hot topic in the bank right now. I asked him when he expects to know of the rate change …and when it would be on forex. He said “About 3 days” and took my contact information. I have not heard from him yet but hopefully soon.”   

Member: Thanks Mark- love that story…….

Member: Frank26's bank stories say we will be paying taxes, do you still think we won't?

Member: Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 

Member: As someone said a while ago, they are sacrificing the “awake” for those that are still asleep. With all the delay-one needs to ask “why”??? What’s the benefit? I do not see any. 

MZ: I totally agree,…We need a reset… many people are awake now. 

Member: if the right ppl are listening in, please, please release this. so many hurting and were on the last pennies for our existence.

Member: Good night to all….Keep those RV dreams

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