Thursday, March 21, 2024



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]


Bank friend says...Al-Sudani is making an announcement during Ramadan remember  He'll go to Washington DC but after he comes back I believe that this rate [1.32 dinar to $1.00} with the deletion of the zeros will coincide with the WTO.  We are basically in a countdown. 

  FRANK:   ...The final countdown.  Let's roll!  I think when they finish with Washington DC and they come back, we may see what we're looking for.  I am crazy excited your prime minister Al-Sudani and the governor of the CBI Alaq and the board of directors are constantly telling you they're going to give you 1.32 dinars to $1 and a new exchange rate to match it with lower notes...It looks like the next two weeks will be very loud on the monetary reform education. 

 Be ready to move quick.  

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