Wednesday, March 13, 2024

A Quarter Of A Million Employees In Kurdistan Opened Bank Accounts.. “My Account” Project Attracted 5 Banks, 13 MARCH

A Quarter Of A Million Employees In Kurdistan Opened Bank Accounts.. “My Account” Project Attracted 5 Banks, 13 MARCH

Posted On 03-12-2024 By Sotaliraq  The Kurdistan Regional Government announced that the Islamic Bank of Iraq has joined the “My Account” project, bringing the number of participating banks to 5, confirming the establishment of more than 240,000 bank accounts for the region’s employees.

Statement by the Government of Kurdistan: The Kurdistan Regional Government is pleased to announce that the Islamic Bank of Iraq (IIB) will be one of the participating banks in the (My Account) project, along with other participating banks such as BBAC, Cihan, NBI, RT. The KRG expects other major banks to join by the end of this month.

To date, more than 240,000 bank accounts have been created for KRG employees and more than 120,000 bank cards have been distributed. The KRG’s partnership with banks has led to a significant increase in ATMs, and the employee registration process continues throughout the Kurdistan Region. The project continues its plan to register more than one million government employees by the end of this year.

This step comes as part of efforts to provide more banking services to citizens and paid employees.

]It is also a step towards providing healthy competition in the banking and financial services sector, and banks will be encouraged to increase their branches throughout the Kurdistan region.

The KRG expects to expand its partnerships with participating banks, especially with the introduction of digital payments starting next year.   LINK

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