Sunday, February 11, 2024

The end of the joint meeting between Baghdad and Washington to discuss the future of the alliance without announcing the details, 12 FEB

The end of the joint meeting between Baghdad and Washington to discuss the future of the alliance without announcing the details

Mawazine News – Baghdad
Political sources reported, on Monday, the end of the political security meeting between America and Iraq within the Green Zone to discuss the foreign presence in Iraq.

According to the sources to Al-Mawazin News, “the meeting in which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the leaders of joint operations from the side of Iraq, the US Embassy and representatives of the international coalition ended a little while ago.”

“The official statement on the details of the meeting may not be made public in detail due to the critical political position of the government on the foreign presence,” she added.
She pointed out that “the amendment of the Sufi agreement known as the framework was the most prominent of what was put forward as well as the details of the military presence of the international coalition and military cooperation.”

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