Friday, February 16, 2024



I can hardly believe it is mid-February already and spring will come soon. It is just a little over a month away. I am looking out our window now of the gasthaus and can see the white snow on the mountains. Across the way is a Bergbahn and there are lots of black dots moving down the mountain. These are of course skiers. Sorry but this is always somewhat amusing to me since I moved her decades ago with mein hubby lol.. lol.. lol .. Our village is already beginning the plans for the Maibaum-Fest. This is all part of our long-standing traditions and village life and it could be even better but that the government has stepped in too much already attempting to regulate everything. Things must change soon in Germany too or the people are going to revolt.

Let’s get to the news of today.

There is not a lot of new and exciting news this period. We are still waiting for the CBI’s measures to take hold to control the parallel market rate and then so they can go ahead and raise the program rate one more time, as I am told by my CBI contact is still going to happen.

Some good news is that new measures taken by the CBI this period in regards to the issue of controlling the parallel rate. The directorate said in a statement received by “Baghdad Today” and I quote from the article – “For the purpose of simplifying procedures and working on real steps related to automation, it was decided to transfer all financial transactions electronically through the (POS) point of sale system in traffic departments in Baghdad and all governorates instead of cash dealing.” How does this affect the progress of the Project to Delete the Zeros?

A statement just put out in Iraq by the CBI says so much and it is a borderline “WOW!” article for us today as Dinar investors. Why? Because if you remember what the economic expert Nasser Al-Kanani suggested. This action of the CBI coincides as it says to use electronic financial transactions eliminating paper in the marketplace is the first step in his list of suggestions, which by the way is also in the 2011 Dr Shabibi plan. So go figure. In other words electronic banking and POS has been on the radar and will continue to be pivotal in the monetary reform process. It is a very good step, a sign in the right direction and may help take the demand off the dollars thus reducing the rate in the black market for the dollar.

Folks we must just sit tight and let them work through these issues of the parallel rate. The CBI will get it under control. As you know Iraq doesn’t work like Speedy Gonzalas.. lol.. lol.. lol..

I am no economists but I have studied economics in detail. Of course, it doesn’t help either that any sanctions from the US Treasury on Iraqi private banks will affect the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar. It is like a double-edged sword.

What do I mean by double-edged sword?

The CBI must find ways to combat the corruption but at the same time in doing so, for now, it is counterproductive in reducing the parallel market rate. But when you deal with the U.S. dollar, as was the focus of the Iraq economy, then when the U.S. tells you to get off the dollar, yet they still want Iraq to sell oil in petro-dollars thus is not also helping Iraq to obtain the much-needed other foreign currencies to use to buy imports. Thus, the dollar always still manages to come out on top as “king dollar”.

The more I analyze the situation and those other Iraqi economists analyze this precarious situation of Iraq, we can clearly see that the problem always seems to point right back to the US government on its insistence that Iraq stay on the Petro-dollar for oil sales. Yes, it is at the heart of the issues the CBI is now facing in stabilizing the dinar, the national currency of Iraq.

Either you get off the dollar altogether or not, but you can’t have it both ways, but continuing on this same path is not acceptable and must be changed to have any real progress in this direction. When and if Iraq can convince the US to get off the Petro-dollar, (good luck with that under Joe  Biden)  it will witness a swift and rapid change that it needs to control its oven sovereign currency, the dinar. So you see this is the political connection that I keep talking about that must first occur in the U.S. and will occur. This is why I also decided to include the Politics Section so you can follow along. It is all interconnected only I can’t put it in simple terms for you. You must wakeup and see it too.

At the beginning of this month, the Central Bank announced a new list of banks that will be prohibited from dealing in dollars, as the list included the names of eight banks that were not previously on the list. But if you load up your reserves with all dollars, from the Petro-dollar oil sales, then sanction the banks from dollars, then where in hell are the reserves of other foreign currencies supposed to come from to take the pressure off of the dollar?   

Oh…. but the US Treasury says Iraq can grow their economy, sell exports and add to their foreign currency reserves this way. It would be decades and decades more to prove this plan with any success. This is the Obama plan they are now under and it does not make any sense if you truly want a more speedy financial recovery for Iraq, which by the way the US Treasury says, in words only, that they do.


As you know I encourage everyone to leave constructive comments or questions. This gives me a feel for what my blog readers are thinking and allows me to respond. So, in reply to Roger Brunstad, our dearly beloved ex-dinarian. Sad to see you go. May God Rest You in Love & Peace… I will tell everyone who has been in this speculative investment for a long time, this couldn’t be a worst time to sell your dinar. I compare it to a severe storm. You must have the guts to weather the storm. If the forecaster keeps telling you the storm ended (these stupid intel gurus) but you still see the heavy rain and winds, then you know you are still in the midst of it. Don’t pretend, just continue to hunker down. But when the storm finally does really end, it’s over and done and then you move on to a better life knowing you weathered the storm and received the blessings that come afterwards. The rewards are great. The sun shines again and the land is renewed from the cleansing of the storm.

But based on the latest comments by Roger Brunstad, I agree it maybe time for him to sell his dinar and forget about this investment. Basically, I just wanted to say some of us investors of the Iraqi dinar are drinking the intel guru coolaid. I warned everyone on my blog of all these intel gurus and their real intent, did I not? How many times must I say it? TNT Tony, Frank26 and especially this way beyond, unbelievable stupid, stupendous idiot called Bruce, from the Big “stupid” call. STOP listening to them! They are all scamming you! ☹ My gosh how many times must I say it!

At first, I thought everyone should listen these idiotic intel guru conference calls and YouTube to judge for yourselves just how they are scamming their listeners. They just want the clickity-clicks to make money then for you to buy these stupid crappy products, which are just snake-oil salesmen. But now I can see that I misjudged many of my listeners and in fact this may not be such a good idea after all. Why? Many don’t have the acuity thus the ability to judge and see beyond the scamming taking place. A good scam does that or else it would not be a good scam. Get it?  These are professionals and they know what they are doing.

So, today I wanted to share a video with you so you can see for yourself how they are doing it. Please see the Video below:


Really folks, I am not trying to bash anyone out of spite or make fun of them. These situations are very sad but serious too. Many of these people pumping RV news are crazy people. Yes, they need clinical psychological help. Did you ever watch a Frank26 “Youbie Tubie”? If you have, then you know just what I mean. But they are all alike not just Frank26, only this idiot if way over the top and really needs a qualified clinical psychologist to help him. Just look at his clothes. I will use him only as an example today.

There are many people who believe the Iraqi dinar revaluation is a scam. Can you blame them if they are going by information from people like Frank26. But Frank26 is not alone as we also have other idiots too like TNT Tony, a well known mass marketer and pyramid scheme scammer. He meets and sits to bullshit with all his sheepies bragging about his financial endeavors while he sips on his $100 an ounce brandy and smokes his $1,000 cigars. Then he wonders why he is in the limelight so much and people are going after him. calling his home and bothering his personal life so much. He even spent time incarcerated in the state prison for his scamming but that doesn’t seem to bother his small group of sheepies either. They just keep coming back for more and more. Did you ever think the reason why he banded so many people from his new TNT site? It is because he wants “sheepies”, not anyone who challenges his stupid nonsense.  Yes, if you challenged it or even asked an intelligent question, you got deleted off his site.

Then there’s the Big (stupid) Call by a guy named Bruce. He is just the same. He still believes that people are going to walk into a bank and exchange a 100 trillion souvenir, collector’s Zimbabwe note that has been null and voided in 2016, and walk out of the bank with 100 trillion US dollars in their bank account. Really? For any grownup man to pump such nonsense only because his so-called reliable intel sources told him, is amazingly insane. Why does he do it then? He is yet another one pumping expensive training sessions on business plan through his RV conference calls for your “humanitarian” ideas of how you are going to spend your trillions of dollars. Did you ever see such a scam? Has the world gone that crazy? What is he smoking? Of course, each of his calls is now his last call, as the RV is going to happen. This of course is only bait to get you to buy a subscription to the business plan training sessions, now before you lose out – Every week its your last chance. ONLY $365. Sue pumping this stuff for Bruce is not shy either in telling you she helped over 35 people already. You can do the math of this scam. Yeh Bruce, what is your cut out this deal? By the way we absolutely will not need any business plans to exchange. None is going to ask for it or care if you have one. It will not get you any higher rates. 

I just picked out these three scammers but there are dozens more out. They are predators and prey on the innocent and decent investors that just want real and honest news. They cause anxiety and stress needlessly. These are not very intelligent people who make their living off of the innocents of others. Shame, shame, shame on them! God will ultimately give them what they deserve!

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