Saturday, February 24, 2024

Seizure of accused of bribery, manipulation and waste of 426 million dinars in Dhi Qar, 24 FEB

   Seizure of accused of bribery, manipulation and waste of 426 million dinars in Dhi Qar

Economy News - Baghdad

The Federal Integrity Commission announced on Friday the seizure of those accused of bribery and manipulation, while revealing that it had monitored waste worth more than four hundred million dinars, and the seizure of expired medical materials in Dhi Qar.

The Authority's Information and Government Communication Office said in a statement, seen by "Economy News", that "the staff of the Dhi Qar Investigation Office, which moved to the Real Estate Registration Directorate in Nasiriyah, caught one of the directorate's surveyors red-handed receiving bribes with the flagrante delicto, indicating that the seizure process was carried out in accordance with the provisions of Resolution (160 of 1983), after the accused received the bribe amount in exchange for completing a transaction in violation of the law."

The statement added that "the staff of the Commission monitored the monitoring of an accused who buys receipts for the transactions of allocating land plots and official documents (national card - housing card - civil status identity) from citizens for the purpose of allocating and selling them to other people in exchange for sums of money, in order to obtain plots of land in the names of other people, noting the arrest of the accused after a tight ambush by the staff of the Commission's investigation office."

He explained that "the Dhi Qar Reconstruction Fund caused a waste of public money as a result of the failure to take legal measures against a general contracting company to which the project to deliver electricity to a group of villages in the Dawaya district was referred to an amount of (2,335,309,000) two billion dinars, despite exceeding the contractual period for the completion of the project."

He pointed out that "the report of the External Audit Division stated that the Fund did not collect the amount of the delay fine imposed on the company under the terms of the contract, which totaled (426,193,710) million dinars."

He continued, "The field emergency team in the office noticed during an inspection tour at Nasiriyah Teaching Hospital the presence of expired diabetic examination strips," pointing out that "the hospital administration allowed the use of these chips in the examination of patients in the hospital despite that.

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