Thursday, February 29, 2024



 Hi guys. A lot of people are asking me why it has not gone off yet. If you look at what is going on right now you will realize that we are close. They are ready. They are not waiting for anything anymore. There are no problems anymore. Iraq is a member of the World Trade Organization. On Thurs. 29 Feb. they will officially joined BRICS which means they must be asset backed. Venezuela could be among those other four countries joining BRICS as well. 

The Iraqi people are queuing up at the banks and waiting for the RV. All my sources are locked up with NDA right now and most Whales are under NDA. That is a good sign. We should have an announcement tomorrow Thurs 29 Feb. concerning the USTN. So just hold on as it’s not that long to go till Wolverine sings that Opera. God bless you all.” …


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