Saturday, February 3, 2024


  Sandy Ingram

   Kuwait, is a country that successfully revalued its currency in the early 90s.  Following the Gulf War Kuwait's economy was in ruins, yet within a short span the Kuwaiti dinar was reinstated as one of the most valuable currencies in the world...Unlike Iraq, Kuwait had a relatively stable political environment and a resilient economy backed by vast oil reserves.  

The international community had faith in Kuwait's ability to rebuild and stabilize which facilitated the revaluation process...A stable political environment, a strong economy, a positive balance of trade and the trust of the international markets are all critical ingredients for successful revaluation.  It's not a magic wand...

 Reuters  Article: "Iraq's Kataib Hezbollah says it suspends attacks on US forces"  "Iran-aligned Iraqi armed group Kataib Hezbollah announced on Tuesday the suspension of all its military operations against U.S. troops in the region, in a decision aimed at preventing 'embarrassment' of the Iraqi government, the group said ."

  The financial World buzzing... Iraq is now making headlines with its own investment fund the AFC Iraq fund managed by Asia Frontier Capital limited has emerged as the top performing long only unleveraged actively managed generalist Equity Fund in the world in 2023 boasting a net performance of over 110%.  

 This remarkable feat can be attributed to the funds investment strategy that focuses on long-term drivers of the transformation of the Iraqi economy...Iraq's investments in streams of income outside of the oil industry goes a long way in helping the country to gain economic stability and to increase the value of their currency.

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