Saturday, February 3, 2024


  Nader From The Mid East 

 A lot of people's comparing Iraq with Kuwait.  Kuwait is only 4,400,000 people...they have 104 billion barrels of oil.  Iraq has 140 billion barrels oil and this is only with the 4 or 5 manufacturers.  The other ones are not working yet.  Iraq from here to 2025 will almost 300 billion barrel of oil...

 Algeria is big and has a lot of assets but they have a lot less than Iraq and their dinar is stronger than Iraqi dinars.  If you look a the Tunisian dinars, Tunisia has nothing...and their dinars are 3 to 1 - Three dinars to $1.  My point is these people has nothing.  They're coming out a revolution.  They is a mess.  It's completely a mess.  They lost a lot.  The private sector is a mess and its [their dinar] is still strong.  Iraq, this rate is still a punishment rate...They have to revalue.  If they revalue they're going to revalue 1 to 1.

We coming out from war.  We coming out from the worst thing in our life.  We just start to walk...We just start to grow...It almost collapsed but didn't collapse.  It maintained itself and maintained himself stable...The only thing that destabilize the economy of Iraq is the war...Iraq is a very strong country...In a couple years Iraq is going to be one of the stronger countries in the world...Iraq is very strong.

  Iraq survived the worst thing in their life.  We survived 3 or 4 wars in the last 50 years.  We survived it and each time we came back and we came back strong.  This time we're going to come back very strong...Iraq economy never collapse by himself.  Iraq economy always stable unless somebody else disable it for them.  Iraq's economy is one of the best economy in the world and it's going to come back to the best economy in the world.  The negative things about Iraq will never revalue, it's a scam, that's all bullshit.  Iraq's going to come back one day and it's coming to come back soon.

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