Monday, February 12, 2024


   Militia Man

  Iraq is moving towards going into a market's quite obvious...Tensions are the trade lines between Egypt and Jordan because of the Red Sea.  There's been some chaos going on with different factions disrupting trade...Iraq's Development Road Project Article quote: "Iraq supports an alternative to the international transport lines that deliver good from the East to the West."  Everything's coinciding at this time with the major international transport companies coming into play...

There's evidence the project to delete the zeros off the exchange rate is underway or is still on the table.  It exists and that's because of who said it.  We know Al-Alaq has said it and it's been referenced to one of his financial advisors...Saleh.  

  What I like about the Iraqi there's progress and there's been progress... The  bottom line is ever since Al-Sudani has taken the helm...things have progressed immensely.  

 Article quote:  " The World Bank praises electronic payment systems in Iraq the best in the region." 
 So they're praising Iraq as being the best in the region...  Article quote:   "The infrastructure of the electronic payday system and software systems in Iraq is among the best systems in the region according to the Iraqi central bank"

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