Saturday, February 3, 2024



 [via PDK]  ...rumors...from every corner of the “blogisphere” …they are saying the CBI has released rates to the government of Iraq and Iraq has released those to all the central banks in the world including the US…and that everything is locked and loaded. That is the chatter.

“My Iraqi contacts have said that the CBI has sent the new rates to the government. So the rumor is the CBI has released the rates to the Iraqi government. Now- when will they pull the trigger? I have heard similar things from US bankers- that all rates are now set and fixed. So imo it’s “any moment.” A number of contacts are still remaining silent because they have signed an NDA.”

 [via PDK]  My Iraqi contacts have said that the CBI has sent the new rates to the government. So the rumor is the CBI has released the rates to the Iraqi government...I have heard similar things from US bankers - that all rates are now set and fixed. So imo it’s “any moment”  A number of contacts are still remaining silent because they have signed an NDA.

“  The US Treasury requests Iraqi cooperation to limit funding for armed factions”  This is all part of what’s going on as Iraq cleans up. And yesterday - again in Iraq - they started openly talking about the exchange rate and the value of the dinar.

 Comment: I hear more and more groups are under NDA’s.  MarkZ:  We are hearing of more and more… My banking contacts still feel If we have to sign one - it will be about the amount we get...we are definitely close.

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