Thursday, February 22, 2024



Trading Announcement:

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has finally approved the following proposed rules:

"Proposed Rule: Regulations to Address Margin Adequacy and to Account for the Treatment of Separate Accounts by Futures Commission Merchants

Proposed Rule: Foreign Boards of Trade

Proposed Rule: Requirements for Designated Contract Markets and Swap Execution Facilities Regarding Governance and the Mitigation of Conflicts of Interest Impacting Market Regulation Functions"

These proposed rules can now go into effect. As you can see, the first one deals with the ability to collateralize and cover swaps getting ready to take place. The second one deals with foreign market exchange guidelines. And the last one, deals with guidelines and requirements that governs swap exchanges and executions such as foreign currency exchanges.

Even though Forex is excluded from many of these guidelines, foreign currency exchanges are subject to reporting rules and the guidelines that govern swap executions taking place with the CFTC. CFTC

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