Monday, February 12, 2024



"From Coal to Clean: The Economic Challenge of Shifting Energy Paradigms"

Our world is transitioning into clean energy paradigms. It is causing some of our fossil fuel communities to be vulnerable. People will be moving into new companies leaving old ones behind during this process. There will be many adjustments that will need to be done on so many levels inside our new economy.

This will cause a shift in monetary policies and prices on energy sectors of the market. Commodities are expected to go into a bull market for several years when this transition is fully complete due to the fact of this change  in the way we work and live. 

This is another reason why it is important to watch The Debt Clock. Watch for a resetting of prices in gold, silver, and oil. What used to be the oil sector now reads "from oil to solar." Interesting don't you think.

Each week, my friend Freedom Fighter spends time with people going over the debt clock. I hope you seek out this room through "Seeds of Wisdom." It is both fun and enlightening for the people who are working together to understand the changes taking place on the debt clock.

© Goldilocks

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