Sunday, February 25, 2024



 Gem Finch, [02/16/2024 14:50]

We have marshal laws in some states and they will watch them closely, but we will also have those NDAs and they will make the decision on how long you will be on your exchange, so you really need to have a good attitude when you go to that exchange, so if seems trustworthy, they may give you a shorter NDA.

 Now as long as you have enough coin or Zim and when you set up your QFS account and only use that QFS to send to your main account, and Bruce of course has the LLC accounts, but his WM will help you with all of that, we will have up to 1 .5 billion from the QFS to that main account, and they will offer a good interest rate on those funds and then you will have access to the rest of those funds after 90 days; It's just set up so we don't do it. transfer funds too quickly.

So you have to call using the 800 number and then you have that 30 minute appointment for a quick exchange – and you really have to be conscious and think and look them in the eye and read that documentation and make your presentation and they will count and verify their coins and, If you have bonuses, have your receipt to show how you received them, etc., as well as receipts if you have them. Their Zim Bonds are bearer bonds and they are great.

It's really going to be very fast: you'll have a QFS account and a main account and that's all they'll have time for. I'm not sure when the USTN will be out, but we may have an EBS over the weekend. and also the return of President Trump perhaps within the next week. What Sue mentioned about Zimbabwe (they've had that dollar backed by gold for about three months) is really good and shows the strength of the country's resources: oil, gold and many things of value, and it could even be the Reserve. African currency. So we'll see how that all works out – looking for a strong weekend – we know there's cleanup and arrests, but we hear we're at the point of no return and now we can do it. So that's ALL I have for tonight, pray for the call. We hope this is a great weekend.

 – join Bruce in this very special prayer and, as always, continue to pray those heartfelt prayers until this Heavenly Blessing is fully manifested in ALL OUR LIVES – Humanity desperately needs this Heavenly Blessing – and ALL our prayers are heard by Our Father and heaven. I LOVE YOU ALL


Gem Finch, [01/24/2024 14:30]

 We also believe, we also know, that 400,000 emails are, if not overnight, starting tomorrow and they are for T4B and mainly for North America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean islands, so We can say, it's mainly Zim headlines starting tomorrow, and don't be surprised. if they don't leave before lunch time and they want us Zim holders to come in first because they want the hydration and for us these funds go to our QFS account and then we move a certain amount of funds to our main account, and really we won.

I don't have much time to do more so for me between 10 and noon tomorrow, but if 400,000 leave, more will leave later that day and including Thursday, we thought they would all go at once, but that's not exactly what's going to happen – - then at least we can call with the 800 number – are you in the first one? – I don't know – but if you only have currency don't worry, your email will arrive. And don't worry, I will put the 800 on our website and everyone will receive it as soon as we can make it available.

 That's really interesting, the 10 a.m. start. m. for the bond sellers and then we are next. And this is what our best sources told us last night at midnight – on Monday within 24 – 36 hours WE WILL ALL BE SMILING FROM EAR TO EAR – we know that the banks and RC had four employees today and 6 tomorrow and that is to take appointments and if you get those numbers, we could make exchanges tomorrow. I really want us all to smile from ear to ear and tomorrow is January 24th so maybe the Chinese will get their 8 after all and I know everyone is ready for a life changing event. This will happen and we expect those numbers tomorrow and also for the Admiral in T4A. So if this happens like I'm told, we won't have a call on Thursday, but maybe just a link in an email for a celebratory call. .

So if we have your email, you're signed up and that's the main way we'll communicate with you: we have things to do in those first few weeks and plans to upgrade our house or car and even a vacation, whatever you want to do. - DO IT – and then we'll be ready to start all those projects. Remember we were looking for people who still wanted to get involved with some of them. We will have questionnaires you can take online for that. I'm really encouraged by what I heard and I want everyone to stay focused and look for those emails and this is what I heard today so have faith that it will manifest.

 Thanking all the listeners around the world.

 I know you ALL will pray with Bruce and I know you will continue to pray because all of Humanity desperately needs him, as you ALL know. I love you ALL, gem.

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