Sunday, February 25, 2024


[Bank vs Redemption Center Rate Debate response]  

The law of one price...states that the price of an identical asset or commodity will have the same price globally, regardless of location...The law of one price takes into account a frictionless market, where there are no transaction costs, transportation costs, or legal restrictions, the currency exchange rates are the same, and that there is no price manipulation by buyers or sellers.

The law of one price exists because differences between asset prices in different locations would eventually be eliminated due to the arbitrage...The arbitrage opportunity would be achieved whereby a trader would purchase the asset in the market it is available at a lower price and then sell it in the market where it is available at a higher price.  Over time, market equilibrium forces would align the prices of the asset.  This should clear up the misconception of getting a better rate at a bank versus a redemption center, etc.... The rate will be the rate, no matter where, due to the law of One Price.

Seek the expertise of an Asset Protection Specialist...Hiring a Team:  Tax Professional, Wealth Manager, Attorneys, a waste of money and time.  Hiring an Asset Protection Specialist is the best way to prevent lawsuits, mitigate and manage taxes, and estate planning.   "Hiring A Team" is like hiring a pack of wolves to guard your hen-house.  

[NOTE:  Speak to many different financial experts to find the right expert for your unique situation.]

International attorneys told me...there would be ten off premises exchange locations allocated by regional population throughout the Nation. I am assuming they are using the 10 United Nations Regions, roughly the same as Federal Regions...I was told...there would be an exchange facility in the most heavily populated city in that region.  For instance, Region ten encompasses Washington State and Seattle would be the location for that region...Also, by Off Premises, I mean locations that were NOT inside banks but usually nearby to a participating bank...These are what the unlearned are calling Redemption Centers.

Some opine that there is no such thing as a Redemption Center while others claim to be in contact with such Centers and their personnel.  What they (redemption centers) are, is a simple solution to a simple problem.

 Many of the large banks in heavily populated urban centers were concerned about having the Dinar traffic clog their lobbies at exchange time. The solution is to have a separate, off-premises, specialized, Exchange Center, complete with Delaru computer, in the most populated city in each of the 10 federal regions...I haven't been informed of any changes.

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