Thursday, February 15, 2024



"The mission discussions covered policies to restore macroeconomic stability and improve growth prospects, focusing on finalizing the transfer of the RBZ’s quasi-fiscal operations to the Treasury and addressing other sources of fiscal pressures; liberalizing the foreign exchange market and establishing an effective framework for exchange rate and monetary policies; and progressing on reforms to improve economic governance." 

IMF Staff Completes 2024 Article IV Mission to Zimbabwe. Article 4 with the IMF is a bilateral discussion on monetary policies that will allow them to move forward with direction. It will allow a country's consultation with them to fully inform all involved of a good path forward. 

This is the second country in Africa to be given the green light to move forward with free floating exchange rates. This will allow Zimbabwe to put their money on a supply and demand platform allowing the markets to determine their new exchange rates. 

© Goldilocks

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