Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Oil minister: We have plans to export gas to Europe, 20 FEB

Oil minister: We have plans to export gas to Europe

Mawazine News – Baghdad
Oil Minister Haiyan Abdul Ghani said on Tuesday that Iraq has plans to export gas to Europe, in light of the plan to achieve gas self-sufficiency within five years.
Abdel Ghani, during his participation in the session of the strategic conference held within the activities of the Egypt International Energy Conference and Exhibition, said that “a global auction was put forward for exploration and development of natural gas reserves.”

The Iraqi minister pointed out that “the positive steps have been taken to zero the process of burning torch gas in Iraq, which helps the country in its efforts to reduce emissions, stressing that in 5 years Iraq will reach zero in burning this gas and full exploitation in electric power generation.”
He pointed out, “Iraq was able to achieve the required percentages in accordance with international obligations in the Paris Agreement, and pointed to the success of the Basra Gas Project NGL in its two stages in stopping the burning of 400 million cubic feet of gas and thus achieving the required ratios in accordance with international obligations.

Abdul Ghani pointed out that “the integrated project that is being implemented with Total International to increase the production of natural gas, as well as stopping the burning of associated gas in 5 oil fields and benefiting from it in addition to the production of renewable energy.”


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