Thursday, February 15, 2024



Today I decided that I was going to go to several banks just to verify what we have all been hearing.  So I went to the first bank it was Wells Fargo.  

The manager told me that she has been with the bank for 17yrs, I kid you not, she said 17yrs and she has heard about the Iraqi Dinar the whole time she has worked there and she thinks it's a scam.  At that moment I decided that was not the bank for me so I thanked her and left.  

Next I went to a 2nd bank, another Wells Fargo.  They told me that they do Foreign Currency Exchanges but not the Iraqi Dinar and probably never will exchange the dinar. 

At that moment I decided that was not the bank for me so I thanked him and left. 

My 3rd stop was Chase Bank. 

A man from one of the cubicles approached me and asked if he could help.  I said I would like to speak with the manager.  He said she is in a meeting but I could wait for 5-10 minutes and she will be available.  He said while your waiting is there something I can help you with.  I said it's about foreign currency so I would prefer to talk to the manager. 

He said come with me I can get you going in the right direction.  I said have you heard about the revaluation of the currency. 

He said YES i have. I said do you believe it is going to happen so. 

He said, yes I do.  I asked if they exchange at the branch or send it out.  He said we do everything at this branch. 

I asked if they  exchange Iraqi Dinar, he said not at the moment but we have some customers like you.  I said OK what does that mean. 

He said how much do you have and I said I am not comfortable sharing that information.  He said not a problem is it over 100,000 because if it is I will schedule you an appointment with an advisor and someone else (I forget the title of the 2nd person). 

If it's below 100,000 it would be with someone different. 

I have an appointment with 2 people tomorrow (not to exchange) but meet with them. 

He said get all your questions and information together for your meeting.  I thanked him and left feeling much better that the information we are being told is really happening.

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