Friday, February 9, 2024



 [Personal Ohio Bank Story]  

 FRANK:  I'm here to talk to you about your bank...I asked, Here at Chase do you folks exchange foreign currency?

  He said no, we do not.  I found it odd...something was very wrong...Second Question, If you don't exchange foreign currency why is Jamie Dimon the CEO in Iraq? ...

 [He said] No he's not.  My next statement almost started WW III...Sir, you are very ignorant.  You're in charge of this bank and you're answering my questions incorrectly...

I said let me try that again, Does Chase convert foreign currency into American dollars

 No.  J.P Morgan does.  

..So Chase is a bank and JP Morgan are the investors of Chase Bank right

 Yes...They will exchange your currency..

.He softened up a little bit.  He asked, What do you have?

 ...The Iraqi dinar...

How much

 I made up a number.  I have over 200 million dinars. 

 He said, you're not going to be exchanging your dinars here at Chase.   We can't handle that.  You have to go to a state bank...

Where should I take my dinars to have them look at them, inspect them and then deposit them correctly

 He said New York [or] Chicago...You come here to my Chase office in Toledo Ohio we'll zoom with Chicago. 

 You're going to come to me?

  Yes...We'll make an appointment.  The Brinks truck will come, a representative will come.  They will verify it.  They will have all the equipment they need...


[Georgia Truist Bank story follow up from last week]  

 BANK VISITOR:  The lady I was supposed to be speaking with was out with the flu... [A new financial advisor] calls me and honestly it was a little confusing because the guy...acts like he didn't know anything.  In fact...he said...I'm pretty sure this is a hoax.   

FRANK:  First recording [story]...the lady says we know, we're preparing.  Here is at the same bank with another officer that says [the opposite]...The same bank, you had people that know what's going on and then you have another person that doesn't know what's going on.  One gives positive information and one gives negative information.  They're both from the same source.  That's the problem with a speculative investment. The evidence is out.  It's not a secret... 

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