Thursday, February 1, 2024



Look for a stablecoins to come into the forefront on the new QFS. Stablecoins give each country's currency a value as a virtual asset on the new digital economy. 

Stablecoins are collateralized by gold and other assets to give them a stable value. This is how the Global Currency Reset is being done. 

As we watch this process, you will notice how the next building phase of our digital economy is going to level the playing field inside a Global Currency Reset. 

This phase of development on the QFS will take the digital economy and interface itself with the banking system through Basel 3 Capital requirements. 

Things will begin to move much faster going forward as networks from around the world begin their process of connecting their Quantum Technologies together. 

This is why Protocol 20 is so important to get right, and why, they're working on current bugs in the system. It is important that we keep in prayer the technological servants who are building this new Global Economic Network for us. Their groundbreaking discoveries and movements into the digital economy are literally efforts that are transforming the way we live. 

© Goldilocks

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