Friday, January 5, 2024

US official: US strike targeted Iraqi militia commander responsible for attacks against our forces, 5 JAN

 US official: US strike targeted Iraqi militia commander responsible for attacks against our forces, 5 JAN

Shafaq News/ His country has launched an air strike against a “militia” commander responsible for attacks against U.S. forces, a U.S. official said on Wednesday.

“The U.S. military carried out a strike in Baghdad against a leader of an Iraqi faction believed to be responsible for attacks on U.S. forces,” the official was quoted by Reuters as saying.

For its part, the Washington Post quoted a U.S. defense official as saying that “U.S. forces and coalition forces in the region have been subjected to about 115 attacks since October 17.”

The Baghdad Belt Operations Command called the Popular Mobilization in a statement “Leader Abu Taqwa al-Saidi following a brutal American aggression.”

Earlier in the day, a source in the Iraqi police said that the military official of the “Al-Nujaba” movement, called “Abu Taqwa”, one of his companions, was killed by an aerial bombardment targeting the headquarters of the crowd east of Baghdad.

Earlier in the day, an official security source said that an unknown airstrike with a manner aircraft targeted a popular crowd headquarters east of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.أمـن/مس-ول-ميركي-ضربة-ميركية-استهدفت-قا-د-ميليشيا-مس-ول-عن-هجمات-ضد-قواتنا-في-العراق

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