Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Saleh Reveals The Reason For The Limited Rise And Fluctuation Of The Dollar Exchange Rate Recently, 31 JAN

 Saleh Reveals The Reason For The Limited Rise And Fluctuation Of The Dollar Exchange Rate Recently, 31 JAN

Time: 01/30/2024 08:14:41 Read: 1,638 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial and Economic Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, revealed the limited rise and fluctuation of the dollar’s ​​exchange rates recently.

Saleh said in a press statement, “The issue is related to regional security tensions, which provide colored or ambiguous information that affects the decisions of speculators in the secondary exchange market when buying and selling, which prompts them to hedge with a point or two above the current market transaction prices or trading prices in such cases.” People are used to it."

He explained that it is “behavior practiced by speculative forces to achieve emergency or estimated profits under the pretext of misfortune and fear, because the decisions of this market are based on various information as inputs that influence the decisions of those dealing in it. Therefore, these markets are considered among the most sensitive financial markets and live in their daily speculation on news, rumors, and conflicting information.” To determine prices, which is a cost that disappears when the influencer disappears.   LINK

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