Wednesday, January 10, 2024



 [Aki - Iraq Bank owner in US update] 

Question:  "The new orders you got on January 1st, are they for you to dispense the lower denoms and collect 3 zero notes?"  Here in the Untied States we are preparing to do everything with electronic platforms...We are prepared to collect the 3 zero notes from those that wish to exchange them for American dollars...We follow International banking laws, the same laws American banks follow.  Here in the United States the bank that I am in charge of will be all electronic. 

When you ask about the LDs they are only found in Iraq.  We do not possess them.   Iraq will give to the Iraqi citizens, when the time comes, physical lower notes and coins and collect three zero notes...

The difference is that here in the US I have to do everything electronic where my friends in Iraq, their banks can do it electronic or physically if they want the lower denoms and coins in their hands

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