Tuesday, January 9, 2024



Personally I believe we will not get out of January without seeing the project to delete the zeros and my CBI contact on my Wednesday call to Iraq gave me assurances that this could be the case. Keep our fingers crossed nothing else interferes in the process.

So, recently we read articles from Iraq about attacks on US bases in Iraqw by the Popular Mobilization Forces, which is really the Iranian kud forces militia that never left Iraq after the ISIS crisis. I told everyone way back in 2014 that if Iraq lets them in the country to help fight ISIS they will sink their teeth in Iraq and won’t want t leave. Iran needs the US forces to leave Iraq and as we witnessed in 2011 under president Obama that this may not be such a good idea. Who will fill the void. The plan is for the Popular Mobilization Forces to fill the void. My only hope is that we can see the Reinstatement much sooner than later and if this get out of control we will already be out of this investment.

I also asked my contact on Wednesday what was really holding up the Oil and Gas law. What I was told is that the government is attempting to get off the petro-dollar and accept the foreign currencies of the country purchasing the oil. They want to build this into the law. Can you see now why this is taking so long and why it is getting opposed by the US?


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