Saturday, January 6, 2024


 Mnt Goat 

 The CBI is still closely monitoring the parallel rate...the parallel rate is expected to decline sometime in early January and at least match the CBI “official” rate. At that time the CBI will revalue the “official” rate to much closer to if not at 1000. Then again drive the parallel market to match it. This may take some time but I am being told they are talking weeks and not months... my CBI contact tells me we are almost here now and with the opening and spending of the 2024 budget and currency swaps with other neighboring countries for trade, it should finally break the parallel market and end it.

So, 2023 was an outstanding year for progress in the currency monetary reforms in Iraq. I could hardly believe that so much was done in such a short period of time, if you compare the other 20 years since the 2003 invasion. In today’s news we read multiple articles talking about all this progress and how they have so far managed to get the parallel rate from 160,000 to 145,000. 

This is very close to the official CBI rate of 132,000, but not yet there as they expected. My CBI contact is telling me they still want to bring it closer and more stable. Currently there are still too many wide swings too often. It’s all very good signs but now there yet.   

My CBI contact tells me they do need it closer and stable and when it does, they will trigger another CBI official rate revaluation. But this will still be the program rate not what we want. 

We need to keep our eyes on the CBI “official” rate.

When this rate drops again, I was told they will move ahead on the project to delete the zeros. They want to accomplish this in the month of January and are optimistic they can. So, this is the very good news for today to kick off the new year.

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