Saturday, January 27, 2024


  Militia Man

 Iraq is going to use the dinar as of January 1st for commercial use, not the dollar.  If they get rid of the dollar or they cease the auctions or they apply the delete the zeros project you can see where all of a sudden the parallel market/illegal market is going to go bye-bye.

They're working currently underway to end the so-called parallel markets.  Article quote  "The dollar will not be exchanged except at the rate approved by the Central Bank of Iraq.'   The office exchange rate, give 10 to 20 points one side or the other of that 1310.  Quote "The parallel markets will gradually decline and cease over the next few  days.'  I'm fairly certain if they apply a Real Effective Exchange rate, gradually is going to be a thing of the past.  But we'll  see how it works out.  

The oil for the [??] Port hasn't left yet, salaries payment hasn't been paid yet.   One thing leads to another, that leads to what?  A Real Effective Exchange Rate.  I think that's where we are are.  I think that's pretty self-evident...

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