Friday, January 19, 2024


 Militia Man  

The deletion of the zeros project off the exchange rate.  Alaq has done it.  Seleh has come out and done it in the last two days...It's fresh.  It's important.  We all know the WTO is about trade.  If anybody thinks they were going to do this at 1310, show me why because they could have that that a year ago at 1450...They didn't...

Now you have 5 articles from the WTO, you have documents from the Central Bank of Iraq, 11 pages talking about metal coins?   

Why would you be talking about metal coins/currencies and exchanging notes, counting them, mechanisms to do all that when you don't have any?  1310 there's no coins.   Then you see 5 articles about the ascension to the World Trade Organization...I'm pumped.  I'm excited about it.

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