Sunday, January 7, 2024



 You're only going to use the receipt if you're ever audited.  That receipt will determine whether they will be in the 40%  or the 20% tax bracket.  You will be taxed.  Anybody that tell you that this is not a taxable event run away as quickly as possible...If you think you're going to get away without paying taxes I've got some land on the moon to sell you.[Note:  Consult your tax professionals at the appropriate time to determine the correct tax for your unique circumstances.]

 Article: "Dollar exchange rates in local markets recorded a decline today...this list"   The dollar exchange rate is dropping like an anvil in the middle of the pacific ocean.

  We are in the waiting phase.   Simply in a waiting phase.  That's all.   There isn't, this needs to be done, that needs to be done, That T crossed, That I dotted.  No.  We are in a waiting phase.

 Question: "When the rate is changed IYO will the Iraqi citizens be exchanging their 3-zero notes in country before the rate is on Forex?"  Iraqi citizens don't care about Forex.  You care about Forex.  Because that's one of the vehicles/platforms that's going to float the currency and go up in value internationally.  But inside a dinar is a dinar.  Whatever the rate is that they establish, it could be $0.10, it could be a $1.00...that is what they will use inside of their country not outside.

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