Monday, January 15, 2024



 I don't think they're waiting for much of anything right now.  They're moving fast.  They're moving quickly in every aspect of the monetary reform.  The next step is to show the lower exchange rate and to allow it to float on an international platform...These are not subjects we are proposing to you, these are subjects that are in the articles themselves...  

Question:  "Once the black [market] rate gets close to the official rate of 1320 will the CBI wait for a while to move to 1000 to be sure it's stable or will it quickly make the next move to 1000?

 Our desire is to see another exchange rate movement which would be somewhere between let's say 1,200 or 1,000 to 1.  We believe that's what will happen next.  But I don't think we'll get to see it because of the speed things are happening right now...

You are involved in this dinar investment.  The next step is the most crucial.  It's the most  dangerous for you...I'm concerned for you...I wish you well.  I've already prepared you.  I've already told you what to do...

 Question:  " Is the US government placing a hold on the currency revaluation to keep people from becoming wealthy?"

  No, our government has nothing to do with the monetary reform of the Central Bank of Iraq...We did everything possible to make them modern and they are.  But can we tell them, Okay go ahead do it now?  

 No.  It is strictly their prerogative.

The lower denoms to me is the most top secret subject of the monetary reform of Iraq.  The lower denoms and the new exchange rate that they have selected through the RV process.  That to me is the most critical piece of information to release and that should be released in the last seconds of the monetary reform.

Question: "Do you feel the dong will go with the dinar?

 I believe the dong is still a little bit behind the race of the monetary reform.  I believe Vietnam has a lot of issues with China.  I believe Vietnam ...dong has great potential...But unfortunately it is being shackled ...retarded ...abused by the banking policies that China continues to use...

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