Saturday, January 27, 2024



 [via WiserNow]  ...we do have the impression that we're very close to this going. And it appears that two of our sources agreed on the timing...It appears more like Saturday through Tuesday...the 27th through the 30th with emphasis on Saturday, the 27th..The timing of this is very close - We do believe that Saturday holds the best chance for us to be notified between Saturday and Tuesday. So let's see ...what happens...we're very close.

  we got word from several of our sources that came in last night and also today, and...I think we've, we've gone  past the point of no return on this so that even a few people that were pretty tight lipped have been allowed to open up to my main source.They've been allowed to get the information from the banks -  and redemption centers – so that is really good to have that information fed down to of our best sources said at midnight last night...we've been in this is Monday night  he said within 24 to 36 could be Thursday... We will all be smiling from ear to ear... it should be a really wonderful week...

According to the local bank staff members were going in today, with more going in tomorrow with a purpose to make appointments to exchange foreign currency and Zim Bonds. The numbers for Tier4a,b (Us, the Internet Group) to make appointments could come out tomorrow Wed. 24 Jan.

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