Friday, January 26, 2024



By Hernán Robert Hbravo

Monday January 22, 2024

@Ariel: It says


 General Information about Exchange Rate: IQD/ROI: Simple Explanation If someone has 300,000 Iraqi Dinars and the exchange rate is 3.00, then their 300,000 Iraqi Dinars would be worth: 300,000 IQD x 3.00 = 900,000 USD So if someone bought 300,000 Iraqi dinars for a much lower price before the exchange rate rose to 3.00, and then exchanged it for US dollars at the exchange rate of 3.00, they would receive 900,000 US dollars.

 This means they would have made a profit of: 900,000 USD - the cost they paid to purchase the 300,000 Iraqi dinars. For example, if you bought the 300,000 Iraqi Dinars for $300 USD, then your profit would be: 900,000 USD - 300 USD = 899,700 USD This is a simplified example and there are many factors that can affect the value of a currency, including geopolitical events, economic conditions and government policies.

This is what the exchange rate will look like on Forex. How the rate is displayed in Forex: $.86 = 1.162 $1.00 = 1.000 $1.17 = 0.854 $1.86 = 0.537 $2.00= 0.500 $2.50 = 0.400 $3.00 = 0.333 $3.22 = 0.310 $3.46 = 0.289 $3.50 = 0 .285 $3.86 = 0.259 $4.00 = 0.250 $4.10 = 0.243 $4.40 = 0.227 $5.00 = 0.200 All Forex listings are listed in pairs, comparing the USD to some other currency. They will all show a different numerical factor against the USD. USD/CAD USD/EUR USD/IQD Using the program rate of 1190, you would divide $1 by 1190 = 0.00084. It will be on Forex quoted as USD/0.84. 1$ Divided by .84 = $1.19 And.... USD/0.537 = $1.86 Ex ($1 ÷ .537 = 1.86) USD/0.400 = $2.50 ($1÷ .400 = 2.50) USD/0.333 = $3.00 ($1 ÷ .333 = 3.00) USD/0.243 = $4.11 ($1÷ .243 = 4.11) Fees and other potential costs-

 1. Transaction fees: Financial institutions or currency exchange services may charge fees for converting currencies. These fees may vary and may affect overall profits or losses. If a currency exchange service charges a 2% fee on the transaction and you are exchanging $10,000, the fee would be $200 (2% of $10,000).

2. Spread: The difference between the buying (bid) and selling (ask) prices is known as the spread. It represents the cost of the transaction for the merchant and can affect overall profitability. Suppose the buy (bid) price of a currency is $1.20 and the sell (ask) price is $1.18. The spread is $0.02. If you trade $1,000, the actual cost would be $1,180 (selling price), but reselling it immediately could net you only $1,200, resulting in a $20 loss due to the spread.

3. Commission: Some currency exchange platforms or brokers may charge a commission for each operation or transaction. A foreign exchange broker charges a flat commission of $10 per transaction. If you trade $5,000, you will pay the $10 commission in addition to any other fees.

 4. Market volatility: Exchange rates may fluctuate due to market conditions, geopolitical events, or economic factors. Sudden changes can affect the value of the currency being exchanged.

  5. Regulatory Compliance: Depending on the country and the amount involved, there may be regulatory requirements or compliance measures that individuals must comply with. Which shouldn't be a problem if you don't plan on doing anything illegal. This should be a smooth process.

6. Taxes: Profits derived from currency exchange may be subject to taxes. (This is not definitive)

 7. Liquidity: Less traded currencies may be less liquid, making it difficult to find buyers or sellers at desired exchange rates. But this will not be a problem for the Iraqi dinar since many countries have it in their reserves. Especially airports. 8. Timing: The timing of the currency exchange can influence the overall result.

We ate returning to the Oro and. Banks are preparing for this transition by implementing Basel 3, which they refer to as “The Endgame.” So when you exchange your currency, don't do it anywhere that isn't Basel 3 compliant. Good luck everyone. You made the right choice and investment. This will never happen again. So be wise and prudent with your financial decisions.

 6:34 · January 22, 2024




The HCL/Oil & Gas Law

The Infrastructure Projects The Budget 


All of these things are on hold because the reinstatement needs to be done prior to the launch of these formal policies. Everything is on pause until the Iraqi Dinar is on the Forex Market.


The CBI: Meeting All Market Needs ie-(International)

He added that “this decision and the decisions that will follow in the coming days are all in the interest of supporting the Iraqi dinar and increasing confidence in it,” noting that “what confirms the strength of the dinar and the public’s confidence in it is the continuation of the Central Bank of Iraq and its failure to perform any need from the needs of various sectors. 

As it is now funding the sectors of trade, electronic payment, travel and other sectors. 

He pointed out that “the coming days there will be more measures in the field of meeting all market needs, supporting the Iraqi dinar and maintaining its strength against other currencies,” noting that “the central bank, within its new procedures, prevented banks from automatic transfer of customer accounts in dollar to Iraqi dinars. 

Without the customer’s consent and allowed customers to open accounts in different currencies. He stressed that “these measures will positively affect the exchange rate in the market. 

And will increase the supply of the dollar and contribute to serving and supporting important sectors in the economy. 

Including the sectors of exporters and the sector of companies operating in the government field and in the field of infrastructure development and strategic projects. In addition to supporting civil society organizations that contribute to the humanitarian and charitable field in Iraq.

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