Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Parliamentary Finance: The 2024 budget will take into account two important files, 23 JAN

 Parliamentary Finance: The 2024 budget will take into account two important files

Information / Baghdad….
The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, on Monday, that the amendments that will be made by the government to the 2024 budget schedules will include several paragraphs, the first of which is an increase in the ration and social welfare allocations.
Member of the Finance Committee, Representative Moeen Al-Kadhimi, said in a statement to Al-Ma’louma, “The Finance Committee met yesterday, Sunday, with the Minister of Finance, in which many topics were discussed related to the changes that will occur in the 2024 budget schedules.”
He added, “The most important variables are an increase in the allocations for rations, social welfare, and allocations for the purchase of rice and wheat crops from farmers, in addition to an increase in allocations related to the electricity sector and the cost of oil production.”

Al-Kadhimi indicated that “the amendments to the 2024 budget will be submitted to the House of Representatives next month for approval.”
On June 12, 2023, after long deliberations between the government and parliament members that extended for months, the House of Representatives approved the financial budget law for the three years 2023, 2024, and 2025, as the budget approved more expenditures and investments as a direct result of the increase in oil revenues, which constitute 90% of the country’s revenues.


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