Monday, January 15, 2024

Nechirvan Barzani praises Baghdad’s decision to finance the salaries of the region’s employees: a good step to solve problems, 15 JAN

Nechirvan Barzani praises Baghdad’s decision to finance the salaries of the region’s employees: a good step to solve problems

Shafaq News / The President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Nechirvan Barzani, praised on Sunday the decision of the Iraqi Council of Ministers to finance the salaries of the employees of the Kurdistan Region.

Barzani said in an interview to reporters, including the correspondent of Shafaq News Agency, that “Our visit to Baghdad was to the basis for participating in the Iraqi Martyr’s Day ceremony, and then, since yesterday, we had a series of meetings with all Iraqi political parties, and these meetings must be taken in a normal way, since we live on this geography, it is normal to visit Baghdad, discuss the existing problems and try to solve them.”

He added, “In these meetings, we discussed two main topics, the first is the issue of the sustenance of the citizens of the Kurdistan region, and we believe that the regional government has fulfilled all its obligations towards Baghdad, and the issue of salaries must be dealt with the Kurdistan region like the rest of the Iraqi provinces and this issue should not turn into a political or pressure card on the Kurdistan region.”

The President of the Kurdistan Region continued; “The Prime Minister (Iraqi) had a very good understanding of this issue and I am sure that he will make every effort to solve this problem, and as you know, a decision was issued by the Council of Ministers today and we thank His Excellency the Prime Minister, as this issue was not originally included in the agenda of the meeting, but he stressed its addition to the agenda and we believe that this decision is a good beginning to solve the problems.”

Barzani explained that “the other issue is related to the security issue, as we believe that the drone attacks on the Kurdistan region will also undermine security in the region and Iraq because they are linked to each other and should not be separated, and this was a fundamental issue that we talked about with all political parties, certainly it needs more discussions, but we hope to resolve it.”

The president of the region praised “the steadfastness of the salary beneficiaries in the Kurdistan region, who were steadfast and endured a lot, and we hope that this issue will not become media and will be talked about in the media this year and it will be a natural issue like the rest of the provinces of Iraq.”

A government source said on Sunday, 615 billion dinars were sent from the federal government in Baghdad to secure the salaries of employees of the Kurdistan Region.

The source told Shafaq News that “the Iraqi Council of Ministers decided, during its current session, to send 615 billion dinars to secure the salaries of the Kurdistan Region.”

This comes after talks held by the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, with officials in Baghdad regarding the budget and salaries of the people of Kurdistan, as the federal government decided today to send part of the region’s budget.

The President of the Kurdistan Region arrived yesterday, Saturday, in the capital, Baghdad, to participate in the official memorial service on the occasion of the “Iraqi Martyr” Day, the anniversary of the assassination of Ayatollah Mohammed Baqer Al-Hakim.

During the memorial ceremony, Nechirvan Barzani called on the forces and political parties to play their role in working to solve the problem of employees’ salaries and the region’s share of the federal financial budget, stressing that people in the region are living in a bad living situation due to the failure to address these differences and outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad.سیاسة/نيجيرفان-بارزاني-يشيد-قرار-مجلس-الوزرا-العراقي-خطوة-جيدة-لحل-المشاكل

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