Tuesday, January 16, 2024


 Global Currency Reset:

  • On Mon. 8 Jan. Redemption Center leaders and bank managers gave their individual access codes to the US Treasury, where they were locked into the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).
  • On Wed. 10 Jan. 2024 all qualified banks around the World connected to the new gold/ asset-backed QFS on the new Star Link Satellite System.
  • On Sat. 13 Jan. the SWIFT Home Page (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT)) said that the new ISO 2022 System (Digital Data Interchange between financial institutions) for payments was now live.
  • Mon. 15 Jan. MarkZ: There were rumors that bond folks were expecting liquidity overnight tonight.
  • On Tues. 16 Jan. we move to the final rule stage of Basel 3 compliance in our banking system.
  • Texas Snake: Tier4b will receive notification around the first of next week and be able to set appointments starting Thurs. 18 Jan.
  • On Tues. 23 Jan. all banks across the Globe not Basel 3 Compliant (have gold asset-backed monies) will automatically collapse. The Cabal owned JP Morgan, which is a shareholder in the Bank of International Settlements, was scheduled to file for bankruptcy.
  • https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/01/16/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-january-16-2024/

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