Sunday, January 14, 2024

Iraqi lawmakers submit draft law to expel foreign forces, 14 JAN

Iraqi lawmakers submit draft law to expel foreign forces

Shafaq News/ A group of 88 Iraqi lawmakers submitted a draft law on Saturday to expel foreign forces, including all U.S. troops, from the country. 

The move comes amid a surge in tensions between Iraqi armed groups and the US-led coalition, which has been in Iraq since the 2003 invasion. 

"We, the members of the Iraqi parliament, are submitting a draft law to expel foreign forces from Iraq," said Lawmaker Falih al-Khazali at a press conference. "This is a result of the continued violations of Iraqi sovereignty by US forces, which have repeatedly targeted the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and its leaders." 

Al-Khazali said that the draft law is necessary because Iraq no longer needs foreign troops. "We have a strong military and security forces that can defend the country," he said.

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