Tuesday, January 30, 2024



De-dollarization: The Impact of Digital Assets and CBDCs on Global Currency Dynamics"

Going forward, stablecoins and cbdcs will be in the process of leveling the playing field between currencies around the world. 

A stablecoin represents a country's currencies. Stablecoins, cbdc's, and deposit tokens will be utilized in payments moving money across borders. 

Each of these digital coins will have a real value utilizing a fixed rate of gold on digital networks to process payments going forward inside the banking system. 

This will increase money flow and demand for each country's currency going forward sharing the wealth and other benefits of these new mechanisms in process of being implemented this year. 

Because of these new mechanisms coming into play, the Global Currency Reset is a process that will take place gradually over the course of this year and completing next year. Look for floats on currency rates this year with their culminating final rate in the following. 

© Goldilocks


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