Friday, January 26, 2024

An “election lie” by Biden… An American report discusses “rumors” of withdrawal from Iraq, 27 JAN

An “election lie” by Biden… An American report discusses “rumors” of withdrawal from Iraq

Al-Sumaria News – International News
A report by the American newspaper “Politico” discussed the growing talk about the imminent withdrawal of American forces from Iraq or Syria, amid speculation that this would be “effective electoral propaganda for Biden as he enters the atmosphere of the American presidential elections.”
The newspaper said in a report translated by Al-Sumaria News, that suddenly, there was a lot of talk about the withdrawal of American forces from two countries in the Middle East, coinciding with the exposure of forces in the region to increasing attacks by militants, noting that US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced that official discussions between Washington “And Baghdad about the future of the 2,500-strong American military mission in Iraq that will begin in the coming days.”

She pointed out that at the same time, experts in Middle East affairs said that there were internal discussions about withdrawing nearly 900 soldiers from Syria, a claim denied by the administration, indicating that there is no imminent withdrawal order from President Joe Biden or heading to his office from what we heard from five. US officials, all of whom requested to remain anonymous, and the Pentagon confirms that Iraq has not asked the US military to leave.

She explained, “What is happening, in general, are discussions throughout the administration about where forces are most needed in the region, and that the talks on Iraq and Syria are linked to each other.”

Regarding Iraq, Austin confirmed the start of the long-awaited US-Iraqi Supreme Military Committee, which the two countries agreed to support in August, and officials will discuss how the US-led coalition will “transition” to defeat ISIS based on three factors: the terrorist threat, “the requirements.” operational and environmental capabilities,” and the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces, according to the Pentagon.

She stressed that at the present time, the Biden administration is very careful not to say that the United States will leave Iraq, and as for Syria, three senior officials in the administration have confirmed that there are deliberations about withdrawal.

Officials in multiple corners of the government are looking into the threat ISIS would pose if American soldiers leave Syria, as well as the possibility that more service members might be injured from escalating strikes by Iran-linked groups, similar to conversations officials had about their position on Syria at the beginning of the administration. Since then, a review of that decision has led to the same conclusion: stay, and two senior administration officials and a Defense Department official have said the Pentagon is not considering withdrawal.

The newspaper considered it strange that all this talk about ending missions in the Middle East could serve as a political blessing for Biden, as former President Donald Trump’s message in foreign policy is that he will avoid World War III and end ill-fated missions abroad, which is the argument that is being repeated. It resonates with voters in both parties, but Biden can boast of getting the United States out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria by the time voters go to the polls in November.

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