Thursday, December 7, 2023

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ, 7 DEC

 Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening Everyone!! Hoping for some RV news tonight.

MZ: I received a great banking story today…..I edited out anything incriminating. A person from somewhere out west …they live in a 55 and over community. The next door neighbors were an older couple and are both employed and way up the chain at one of the major banks.

MZ: our member has been telling them for quite awhile about how currencies are going to change and there was going to be a reset …markets are going to crash …there is going to be unrest….ect…told them this for years…..and the neighbors told them they were nuts.

MZ: Well the banking neighbors came to our member and told them that everything they had told them was right. …They asked our member if they would help them plan and prep for this?  And that last week they had a big meeting and told all the team leaders to possibly start looking for new jobs as the bank will not be needing nearly as many employees. That bank will possibly be cutting staff by 75%.

Member: I heard from a finance guy on New Years Eve the ATM’s will get loaded with new currency.

MZ: There is a whole lot pointing to the first of the year right now. But they still could get us all in and out before then.  If they do let us exchange before they release it to the public….they would need us to sign very serious NDA’s.

Member: Mark it would be a lot easier if we had the RV money during the craziness

Member: Story: A friend of mine works as a security guard in a large building where there is a wealth management company. They have been having huge meetings well into the night with all the big bankers in the area.

Member: Are we possibly looking at weeks or longer now?

MZ: I think we may be looking at another week or two. But others think we are looking at the first week of January. We don’t know. All we can do is guess at it.

Member: I’m not looking for anything til January 1

Member: So wonder what the hold up is?

Member: There are a lot of rich and powerful people that don’t want this to happen

Member: So is Jan 1st our back wall date?

MZ: I believe there is a back wall date and its possibly the first week in Jan. But I am still hearing sooner than later.

Member: It’s only 18 days until Christmas.

Member: How did it from Dec 1 to the 15th and now Jan1st??

MZ: My Iraqi sources said the goal was for Dec 1st. They may be ready and we may be seeing it happening there already……I still think mid month ….but there are a number of people in other forums who think it’s the first week of January.  I still think sooner.

 MZ: “ BRICS 20 new countries applied to join alliance in 2024” This story was breaking today  Becoming full members of BRICS on Jan 1st is Saudi Arabia, UAE, Venezuela, Iran . Egypt and Ethiopia.

Member:  Interesting info from Frank26 stating the black street markets in Iraq will be closed down on the 19th…

Member: Saudia Arabia and Iraq made a deal today. And Putin was in the middle east as well.

Member:  I’m still being called a fool, that all the hype is just that, but one day when I sit back on my huge porch, I will smile

Member: Tomorrow, Tomorrow, We’ll RV tomorrow, Annie song

Member: May the reason for the season bring you love hope peace and joy

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