Thursday, December 14, 2023

U.S. Support for Israel: A New Low in American Exceptionalism?, 14 DEC

 U.S. Support for Israel: A New Low in American Exceptionalism?

The United States’ policy towards Israel and the ongoing conflict in Gaza has ignited a storm of debate, with critics arguing that American support for Israeli actions signifies a significant crisis for U.S. democracy. This crisis, they argue, is comparable in severity to the tumultuous events of January 6, 2021, when the U.S. Capitol was stormed by protestors. Both Democrats and Republicans stand accused of creating a repressive atmosphere where criticism of Israel and support for Palestinian resistance is effectively silenced.

The Crumbling Pillars of American Exceptionalism

Reflecting the gravity of this situation, multiple university presidents have been forced to resign, a turn of events that underscores the crisis in American exceptionalism. In a world that has often looked to the U.S. as a beacon of democratic values, the country’s unwavering support for Israel, despite numerous alleged human rights violations, has raised eyebrows.

The U.S.’ History of Double Standards

Such a predicament is not unprecedented. The U.S. has a storied history of double standards, notably its notorious invasion of Iraq under the false pretenses of weapons of mass destruction. The country’s consistent vetoing of United Nations Security Council resolutions supporting Israel adds another layer to this narrative.

The recent U.S. veto of a cease-fire resolution in the Security Council, juxtaposed against its continued supply of military equipment to Israel, further underscores its perceived complicity in the conflict. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s statement that Israel would decide when to end the war, despite escalating civilian casualties, was met with widespread disapproval.

A Thorn in the Side of Global Justice

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan criticized the U.S. for its lone veto, positing that a fair world is not feasible with the current U.S. policies. His sentiment echoes a growing global consensus: the U.S. is increasingly seen as an obstacle to a just world, its policy towards Gaza representing a new low in American exceptionalism.

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