Friday, December 8, 2023



Baghdad Today – Translation
The American Lowe Foundation for Political Studies revealed on Wednesday (December 6, 2023) the reasons that it said “prevent” the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq under any circumstances, stressing that the withdrawal would mean the “end” of the dollar and US hegemony over the world.
The center explained, according to what was translated by “Baghdad Today”, that “the US government and during the past fifty years, after the abolition of the currency budget in gold, was keen to keep the value of the dollar high through” military and political control over the sources of wealth in the world, the most important of which is oil, ” stressing “This is the reason behind the defense of American presidents, whether Democrats or Republicans for Washington’s policy in Iraq and the Middle East.”
He continued, “The beginning of this policy began with the US government’s decision to abandon the budget with gold and replace it with the dollar as the first currency in the world, as American politicians made a deal to maintain the policy of controlling the sources of wealth in the world, which is now threatened with collapse as a result of the policies of the government of current President Joe Biden, which does not take into account this plan,” according to his description.
The center also stressed that the loss of the US government during the past years of its previously close alliance with the Gulf countries, in addition to the decline of its political role around the world, led to putting the dollar at risk, stressing that “control over oil resources in Iraq has now become the most important and strongest factors through which the United States can maintain the value of the dollar declining and inflated, ” according to his report.
Robert Kiowski, a researcher in economic and political affairs and author of “The Rich Father and the Poor Father,” also told the center that the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq would mean Washington losing one of the last factors of the dollar’s power around the world, which is based on “controlling wealth” instead of gold.
“If US forces withdraw from Iraq, it is very likely that it will lead to a chain reaction that will lead the world’s banks to abandon the already inflated US dollar that is currently suffering, the first of which is the dollar’s loss of its current status as the international reserve currency,” Kiowski said.
“The banks of the world will quickly abandon the dollar in favor of other currencies that are more confident and stable, the US stock market prices will collapse completely and the US economy will witness huge inflation twice the current level, which will lead to an accelerated Collapse of the US economy, which in turn will lead to the loss of its position as the dominant power in the world.”
Kiowski’s remarks were confirmed by the public affairs advisor in the US Treasury Monica Crowley, who confirmed in an interview with Fox News that the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq and what will tire it will lead to “a complete collapse in the US economic system, “stressing “the most dangerous factor here is not only the collapse in the US economy, but the loss of the United States of its economic hegemony over the world and thus its current status as a global power,” as she described.
It is noteworthy that the US dollar suffers from a large and accelerated “inflation” in value as a result of the US government’s loss of control over sources of wealth around the world during the past few years, which the center held responsible for the current US President Joe Biden and his current policy in the world, especially the Middle East, which he said “Washington lost its most important ally, the resource-rich countries in the Gulf.”

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