Friday, December 22, 2023



Seriously, I don’t know if I ever had a more important blog to publish than  the one for today. The saga about the Iraqi dinar RV has only got better as this year 2023 rolled on.  There are rumors and bank stories galore floating around about the dinar community. These so-called intel gurus told their listener it had to RV by the end of September, then September turned to October and October to November and now we are in December. Now they tell their listeners we have to wait for the budget and then the next day it changes to waiting for the elections to conclude. Now it’s by Christmas. Folks don’t you realize these idiots have been doing this speculative crap to you now for 17 years over and over again each year?

All of these rumors are just from idiots trying to get you on their calls or sites to make money from their sponsors. So, if you are a Mnt Goat fan you are much, much more informed and ahead in your knowledge of what is taking place. Please don’t doubt yourself and believe all this other nonsense.

So, how long will us investors in the IQD have to wait before Iraq is allowed to liberate its own currency? Why do I say “now is the time”?

  • We know they are completely out of Chapter VII sanctions since December 2022, and so why not treat them as such?
  • We know they want the Iraq funds (nearly USD 115+ billion) released from the NY banks and put in their custody to do what they want with it. They are tired of being bullied by the U.S. with their own money.
  • We know they have plans for yet more Sovereign Funds to invest their reserves.
  • We know they are making agreements now for “currency swaps” for trade with Iran, China, Turkey, Kuwait, Emirates, and many EU countries as Iraq will no longer be using any US dollars in Iraq as of January 1st 2024.
  • We know that the IMF is now working on the final stages of pulling together agreements to build a new basket of six (6) currencies to re-peg the IQD.
  • We know since January they have undertaken a massive “de-dollarization” program and told it should have taken 6 years but they decided to do it in 1 year (2023). Why such a hurry?
  • We know the value of the IQD right now does exceed even pre-1991 era but still at 1/6 of a penny?
  • We know Iraq now pumps 2/3 more oil than in pre-1991 era.
  • Iraq also has announced 132+ tons of GOLD reserves.
  • We know they are pushing this year alone, more than any other year since 2005, for the passing of Oil and Gas law. Why?
  • We know for a FACT that it is the U.S. through the Treasury Dept. direction that will NOT give sign-off to allow the reinstatement. Why?
  • Finally, the CBI has told us many times already that January is the most opportune time to reinstate for accounting purposes, since it begins their new FISCAL year.

Folks, I do not have a crystal ball.  I wish I did and I could give you a firm date for the RV and then to watch it all happen. Unfortunately, I don’t and even the CBI probably does not. There are unpredicted events that occur along the way. What we should be concentrating on is the progress as it is matched to the plan of 2011. I am trying to do that for you.

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