Tuesday, December 5, 2023



 'Pay stations around the country where you can cash in your dinars'  She's full of crap.  Pay-stations? 

 I guess that's the same as redemption centers, right?  Let me put it this way, How does everybody else deal with other international currencies?  Why would Iraq be special for some reason?  It's not like Iraq's the only currency to be devalued and possibly revalued.  All international currencies are done the same way.

There's no 800 numbers.  There's no redemption centers.  There's no pay stations or however way you want to cleverly call these things. 

 It's all bull crap...IQD is bought and sold the same way as all the other currencies.  You can go to any currency exchange location and swap out your currencies or buy currencies there.  Go to any international airport and they will have a currency exchange center there...No there's no special stations planted all around the world specifically for the IQD... 

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